Atomic Emission Spectrometer with Microwave Plasma «Spectro-Sky»
LLC «LIT» of GC «Skygrad» together with JSC «Spetsmagnet» developed a new atomic emission spectrometer with microwave plasma (AES-MP) «Spectro-Sky» of two modifications: «M» and «REE».

AES-MP "Spectro-Sky" is a multi-channel automated atomic emission spectrometer with a source of excitation of the spectra of the studied samples in an electrode capacitive microwave plasma (СMP) discharge and is intended for analysis of the chemical composition of complex technological solutions, metals and alloys previously converted to solution.
Атомно-эмиссионный спектрометр микроволновой плазмы «Спектро-Cкай»-М
Advantages of AES-MP «Spectro-Sky»:

· Simultaneous determination of the content of over 70 chemical elements in various matrices;
· High accuracy and speed of analysis;
· Low cost of analysis;
· Minimum values of interelemental influences and matrix effect;
· High stability and reproducibility of results;
· A wide range of linear dependence of the signal on the content of the determined elements (4-5 orders of magnitude);
· The use of nitrogen or air to form an CMP discharge instead of the mandatory use of expensive high-purity argon in an IСP spectrometer;
· It is easy to solve the problems of analysis of complex materials without separation of the base, including for rare-earth elements (REE) in their concentrates;
· The purchase of expensive sources of resonant radiation (lamps with a hollow cathode) is not required and there is no need to use explosive and toxic gases.
Analyzer organization
AES-MP «Spectro-Sky» consists of the following main units:

• 2450 MHz continuous mode CMP discharge plasma generator on a 2M282H magnetron (LG);
• The microwave plasmatron of a toroidal CMP discharge (provides the possibility of forming an annular volumetric plasma discharge in which the power release zone (toroid) and the analyte excitation zone are spatially separated);
• gas supply and control system;
• a system for supplying a sample solution to a plasma of CMP discharge;
• MCAVIII diffraction spectrograph according to the Paschen-Runge scheme with a system for recording spectra on 12 CCD arrays;
• PC and software for processing spectra, building calibration and calculating output data.

    Microwave source technical specifications
    Protection against parasitic microwave radiation is provided by the use of transcendental transitions on the plasma torch and the protective casing of the magnetron block.

    AES-MP «Spectro-Sky» software

    AES-MP «Spectro-Sky» is controlled by a personal computer using the specialized software "Graduation, version 5.1". The software is compatible with Windows98 / 2000 / XP / 7/8/10, has the following features:

    • provides full control of all functions of the spectrometer registration system;
    • provides storage and graphical representation of spectra in a database with convenient navigation, scaling, identification of spectral lines, etc.;
    • contains a database of spectral lines of a microwave plasma source for their identification in the spectrum, a qualitative analysis and the production of close spectral lines for estimating overlays;
    • provides automatic correction of the drift of spectral lines by wavelengths on all 12 CCD arrays during each measurement of the spectrum or analysis and in the procedure for special measurement of shear according to the assigned sample;
    • allows individual accounting of the magnitude of the spectral background for each analytical line on both sides of it at multiple arbitrary designated spectral locations, which allows determining the analytical signal without taking into account spurious radiation of the plasma, thereby increasing the sensitivity and accuracy of measurements;
    • provides for the use of several analytical lines and comparison lines for each element being determined, which can significantly increase the reliability of the results of quantitative analysis;
    • allows you to quickly build calibration characteristics based on multiple regression, as well as taking into account inter-element effects;
    • allows you to include accounting for dilution of the base;
    • provides for one- or two-point recalibration of calibration characteristics, both in the direction of intensities and in the direction of concentrations, as well as to carry out a typical recalibration by concentration;
    • allows you to quickly create and change measurement procedures for various samples.
    • allows you to keep a measurement log, create reports on the results of measurements and transfer data in the form of a table.
    The following methods were developed and put into production at the AES-MP «Spectro-Sky»:
    • determination of the composition of magnetic alloys based on cobalt and iron based on the type of AlNiCo and CrCo (JSC «Spetsmagnit»);
    • determination of the composition of alloys of the CoSm and NdFeB type based on neodymium, samarium, cobalt and iron (JSC «Spetsmagnit»);
    • determination of the composition of technical concentrates of neodymium and samarium (LLC «LIT»);
    • determination of impurities in the neodymium of grades NM-1 and NM-2 and samarium of grades SmM-1 and SmM-2 (JSC «Spetsmagnit»);
    • determination of the composition of sulfate and bifluoride solutions from waste processing at Kachkanarsky GOK, including impurities of aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron, titanium and scandium.

    Express control of the technological process of separation of REC in the experimental production of LLC «LIT»

    LLC «LIT» carries out orders for the production of AES-MP «Spectro-Sky».

    The cost of the spectrometer is about 3,000,000 rubles, the final price depends on the configuration of the device and additional services.

    The time of manufacture and delivery of the device is up to 2 months (after agreeing on the configuration, signing the contract and receiving the advance payment - 50% of the contract amount).

    The supplier undertakes to carry out commissioning and training of employees on standard samples and customer samples.

    The supplier provides warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the device without limiting the life of the device (under a separate agreement).
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